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Ovulation Symptoms

Everything you need to know!

There are different symptoms that you may feel when you are ovulating. Some popular signs include breast tenderness, an increase in your sex drive, abdominal bloating, increase in temperature, change in cervical mucus consistency and heightened senses.

Breast tenderness can be an indicator of both ovulation and an early sign of pregnancy. If you are in the middle of your cycle, breast tenderness is most likely from the ovulation process and the hormones that are created during it.

Your increased sex drive is due to the make-up of the female species in general. During ovulation you are the most fertile and are more likely to conceive. The evolutionary process of our bodies has made an increase in our sex drive to move along reproduction in our species.

Abdominal bloating and pain can be caused by the ovulation process that is happening inside your body. When the egg moves through the fallopian tube you may feel discomfort. After the egg is released there might be even a possibility of "spotting" in some women.

Increased temperature occurs because of the different hormones that are activating in your body while the ovulation process is occurring.

These are some of the symptoms that made confirm that the process of ovulation has started (or is about to start), however these are not always accurate in all women and in all cycles, so please use as many indicators as possible to predict your ovulation, especially an ovulation test.