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Ovulation Tests

Everything you need to know!

How do ovulation tests exactly work? Women use ovulation tests to predict when ovulation is approaching so that they will know which days are they are more fertile, which is very important when trying to become pregnant.

Ovulation tests test the level of LH, or luteinizing hormone, that is present in your urine. Just before a woman is ovulating, LH level surge in their systems. Ovulation tests can see this surge and can let you know when you will be ovulating.

Most ovulation tests tell you that a positive ovulation test will indicate to a woman they will become fertile over the next few days (2-3 days) with a peak time of fertility between the hours of 24 and 36 after the positive test. Having sex over the next few days after a positive ovulation test will increase your chances of conceiving.

What women do need to know is that the hormone LH is being produced in small amount throughout your whole cycle, but it is this dramatic increase in LH that is used to indicate ovulation. This dramatic increase in LH is very brief, so I recommend that women test as much as possible a day or two before you "usually" ovulate so you do miss the spike in LH. Some research has been found that the best time to test for LH is in the afternoon since LH is usually produced in the morning.

What goes on in your body before this LH spike is produced? At what point in the menstrual cycle does this LH spike occur? Well during your menstrual cycle, your body produces FSH, which stands for follicle stimulating hormone. This hormone helps in the production of a follicle on your ovaries, which helps cushion and hold the ovum helping it mature. Once the ovum is about to release, and increase in LH causes that same follicle to open. Once open the ovum is now released and is sent down the fallopian tube. This is what is known as ovulation, and is the most fertile time in a woman's menstrual cycle!